Win S

Basin mixer Win S seriesSingle lever basin mixer Win S, with pop-up, spout length 95 mm spout height 85 mm, coin slot aerator, maximum water flow rate 5 l / min, cartridge with flow and temperature limiter, not compatible with washbasins without overflow
Bidet mixer Win S seriesSingle lever bidet mixer Win S, with pop-up, swivel aerator, maximum water flow rate 5 l / min, cartridge with flow and temperature limiter. Not compatible with washbasins without overflow
Bath mixer Win S seriesSingle lever shower/bath mixer with diverter Win S, hand shower connection 1/2”, spout length 149 mm, cartridge with flow and temperature limiter, coin slot aerator
Concealed shower mixer Win S seriesConcealed shower mixer Win S, without deviator, concealed installation, kit includes: wall escutcheons, lever and concealed mixer standard, the concealed part is fixed during the installation